Apr 13, 2012

insanity day 5

pure cardio today and i must say that i think my body is starting to slowly adapt to this routine. i took it a little slow but non the less a good work out.

 here's me at 5 days.

Apr 12, 2012

INSANITY (day 4)

done with the recovery cardio. legs starting to feel much better now, body well fueled with proper food. lets see how tomorrow's "pure cardio" goes.

somehow even when my legs hurt i still want insanity more and more.... insane isn't it =)

Apr 11, 2012

INSANITY (day 3)

yesterday i had to skip INSANITY cause i got some severe pulls in my calf muscles and even walking was a bitch. it still hurts today but i'm gonna try to push through and see if i can do today's workout at my own pace so that i don't injure myself... a friend of mine said that it will take time for your muscles to adapt to this sick routine, and lets hope he's right.

LETS GO !!!!!!!!

Apr 10, 2012

INSANITY ( day 2 )

Dear lord please have mercy on my legs!!!!! I'm pretty sure  my thighs are gonna stop functioning... today's workout was insane. i couldn't really keep up with the routine going into the third set cause i don't think I'm that fit yet, but I am doing it at my own pace. its hard and its gonna keep getting harder. i just need to know how to refuel these thighs for tomorrows routine cause from the looks of it I'm gonna die.

i know its only the second day and if i eat right I'm sure by the first week i can see some legit results. I'm still a little flabby around the edges and i hope it goes away!

Come on, dig deep and stay strong.

Apr 9, 2012


SO yesterday on the 9th of April, i started the insanity fitness program and all i have to say is THAT SHIT IS HARD ! i mean i have never sweat so much before in all my life. Shaun T was not kidding around with this one...  well i started off with the fit test and my results were as such..

Switch Kicks >>>>>>>>110
Power Jacks >>>>>>>>52
Power Knees>>>>>>>>90
Power Jumps>>>>>>>>32
Globe Jumps>>>>>>>>>6
Suicide Jumps>>>>>>>>16
Push Up Jacks>>>>>>>30
Plank Knee Ins>>>>>>>50

lets see if i can actually go through with this 60 day plan and hope that i don't quit half way... my legs are sore as hell and its day 2 of insanity. lets see how i cope with today's routine. wish me luck!