Jun 24, 2011

been too long.....

its been like freaking 2 MONTHS  since i last posted anything up on my blog due to a sheer combination of uni work, quizzes, tests, lack of time and the awesome power of LAZINESS.....  i did get a lot of feed backs saying  why haven't you updated your blog yet? or why isn't anything happening on your blog? Truth is stuff has been happening but i was too lazy to update the blog about any of it. SORRY!  

in the past 2 months a lot of has been going on, for example, i moved in my new home since i couldn't get an apartment on campus. Its like a 5 min drive and the rent is cheap considering the fact that im splitting it with 5 other people! uni life has been treating me well..... fairly to say since this semester is like a month shorter than the last semester and everything is going at the speed of light and tests and quizzes are coming back to back, its true to say that i have turned my nerd mode on! the sucky part of this idiotic phenomenon is that i have been making the most stupid careless mistakes ever seen by man kind! for instense, on my Statics paper i actually added numbers wrongly cause i punched in the values in my calculator wrongly cause god hates me for no apparent reason and i think i screwed up my whole entire question 1 which was worth 30 marks!!!!!! ( fark x100000).

on the bright side, I FINISHED 4 SEASONS OF CHUCK!  i mean it is like one of the best shows to watch, seriously, GO WATCH IT.  it has everything, comedy , romance, action i mean its freaking awesome and very addictive if i may add....  i haven't been able to play many pc games due to the cruel cruel time table that i have, BUT, i have been playing a crazy shit load of monopoly deal! i mean who knew monopoly could be so freaking fun! and this card game doesn't take hours to finish which is a very good thing. We play it almost every single day at home, imagine that, 5 guys aged from 18 - 22 playing monopoly deal and making noise as if we were little girls...... weird once you really put some thought into it tho...

so in general, my life in uni has been like this, wake up, bathe, uni, come back, work out some times, library, dinner, monopoly deal and sleep. that's it, sad i know, but in the week end and on some Friday nights i try to go out with my friends who i don't see everyday and party like a crazy nut job! Its fun and i need it after a week long of boring uni work. so all is good =P

best news so far, Liverpool is coming to Malaysia !

GO LIVERPOOL !!!!!!!!!


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